The Story of Our Cats

Tuesday and Ginkgo joined us way back in 2000, when Tuesday, his mother, gave birth to Ginkgo in the store. Believe it or not, Ginkgo was the runt of the litter. He was so small, in fact, that no one would take him. So here we are with the runt of the litter, he was one of the largest cats in the District. Ginkgo spent most of his time lying in the cardboard box on the front counter, or as we call it, the Casa del Gato. If you have been in the store before and seem to remember a huge orange mass next to the cash register, it is actually a real cat (people are surprised by that sometimes). Tuesday spent a fair amount of her time exploring Capitol Hill, and most likely finding other families to spend her afternoons with. Mark recalls a story when there was a large snow storm and one of the employees found Tuesday trotting through over 3 feet of snow!
Tuesday passed away several years ago, and most recently we lost Ginkgo to old age in January 2019. The cats were our dear friends and we miss them greatly. We look forward to meeting the next kitty that decides to have Ginkgo Gardens as their new home soon.